Custom Profile Plugin 1.0.1 Released
The Custom Profile plugin has been updated to version 1.0.1. This plugin allows the site administrator to create custom user data fields, such as address, phone number, membership ID, all without editing templates or code. This release contains minor fixes for issues reported in 1.0.0.
- Multiple language support was not working correctly. The plugin now properly loads the configured site language file, using "english.php" as a fallback.
- Field prompts were left-aligned on the User Edit screen, while other prompts are right-aligned.
- Checkbox values weren't being saved when the data was filled in.
- Read-only fields were being cleared when users edited their own profile.
- A fatal PHP error would occur if the $_USER array wasn't defined before the plugin attempts to load the user variables. This was brought up in the form, and is a condition that should never occur. Nevertheless, the plugin now makes sure that $_USER is an array before trying to add data to it.
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