Icon class

Icon::Get() returns the "img src" tag or "<i></i>" tags for an icon, depending on configuration (see the fake $_CONF['use_image_icons'] variable). CSS icons can come from Uikit or Fontawesome since I've noticed that non-Uikit themes include Fontawesome fonts. Not sure if this is still true.
Personally I like switching all to the CSS icons which have the advantage of taking color attributes like "danger", "warning", "grey", etc.
class Icon
private static $images = array(
'add', 'edit', 'copy', 'delete',
'list', 'mail', 'group', 'user',
'greyuser','check', 'greycheck',
'cross', 'disk', 'accept', 'addchild',
'update', 'wrench', 'info', 'greyinfo',
private static $icons = array(
'add' => 'plus-circle',
'edit' => 'edit',
'copy' => 'copy',
'delete' => 'remove',
'list' => 'list',
'mail' => 'enveloope-o',
'group' => 'group',
'user' => 'user',
'greyuser' => 'user',
'check' => 'check',
'greycheck' => 'check',
'cross' => 'plus',
'disk' => 'save',
'accept' => 'check',
'addchild' => 'user-plus',
'update' => 'save',
'wrench' => 'wrench',
'info' => 'info-circle',
'greyinfo' => 'info-circle',
'blank' => '',
private static $prefix = NULL;
* Get a glFusion image icon
* @param string $name Name of icon, following the iconset prefix
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes to embed in the icon HTML
* @return string Full <img .../> tag for the icon
public static function getImage($name, $attrs = array())
if (!in_array($name, self::$icons)) $name = 'blank';
$icon_url = "{$_CONF['layout_url']}/images/admin/$name.$_IMAGE_TYPE";
if (!isset($attrs['alt'])) {
$alt = isset($attrs['title']) ? $attrs['title'] : $LANG_ADMIN[$name];
} else {
$alt = $attrs['alt'];
return COM_createImage($icon_url, $alt, $attrs);
* Get a CSS icon from Uikit or Fontawesom
* @param string $name Name of icon, following the iconset prefix
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes to embed in the icon HTML
* @return string Full <i...></i> tag for the icon
public static function getCSS($name, $attrs = array())
if (self::$prefix === NULL) {
self::$prefix = ($_SYSTEM['framework'] == 'uikit') ? 'uk-icon uk-' : 'fa fa-';
$attr_str = '';
if (!isset($attrs['alt'])) {
$attrs['alt'] = isset($attrs['title']) ? $attrs['title'] : $LANG_ADMIN[$name];
if (isset(self::$icons[$name])) {
$name = self::$icons[$name];
foreach ($attrs as $attr_name=>$attr_value) {
$attr_str .= ' ' . $attr_name . '="' . $attr_value . '"';
$icon = '<i class="' . self::$prefix . $name . '"' . $attr_str . '></i>';
return $icon;
* Get the image or CSS icon depending on configuration.
* @param string $name Name of icon, following the iconset prefix
* @param array $attrs Optional attributes to embed in the icon HTML
* @return string Full <i...></i> tag for the icon
public static function Get($name, $attrs = array())
global $_CONF;
if ($_CONF['use_image_icons']) {
return self::getImage($name, $attrs);
} else {
return self::getCSS($name, $attrs);